

Buying sight unseen?
Don't make a remote purchase without a local professional opinion first.


is the property vacant?

what kind of neighborhood is it located in?

Investors would love to peer in the window or even walk the neighborhood of a property before they buy it, but for most investors, it’s just not practical. Dwelling Network offers you the next best thing.  

With our EYE BEFORE YOU BUY™ service, we make an assessment of a property’s exterior condition and surroundings so you can make an informed decision about your next potential purchase.

Perfect for

$100 per property, includes:

case study

Susan S.’s property investment strategy was buying homes sight unseen at auctions across the United States.  She was preparing to bid on 15 properties from the foreclosure sales list in Cuyahoga County but had learned a valuable lesson from a previous experience.  She found out that even after looking at Google map photos and sales history on real estate websites, the information can be out of date or insufficient. In fact, she nearly made a purchase that she found was only a vacant lot!

Susan did not want to make that same mistake so she reached out to Dwelling Network and ordered our EYE BEFORE YOU BUY™ service for her 15 potential purchases. With the information she received she narrowed down her list to 5 houses and was able to bid with confidence at the auction.